Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Prepping for my L2LF 2015 Body Transformation.....

At the beginning of each new year, like most people, I like to make resolutions.  And although we still have few months until we ring in the new year, I am starting my preparations now.  I have invited a few clients to join me in my Love2LiveFit 2015 Body Transformation.  I wont divulge all that it entails yet, as I am still constructing it.  However, I will let you all know that we will be approaching this transformation in phases.

Phase one is simple, no sugar!  I will experience first hand how simple it is or isn't to cut out sugar.  I have decided to use these last 3 months of the year practicing the first 3 phases of the 4 phase program on myself, so that I can better assist and support my ladies as they go through it next year.

Today, October 1st. is day one of the first phase.  I have cut out sugar for a long time in the past, and from what I recall it isn't too difficult.  My rules for the no sugar phase are that if a label reads 2 or more grams of sugar per serving it doesn't go into your body.  However, if there is no added sugar then you may consume the food, such as dried fruit, beets, etc..  Natural sugars that occur in fruits are totally acceptable.  Dried fruits are tricky because a lot of them contain added sugar (so please read the labels if you also are watching your sugar intake).  So far the only dried fruits I have found in food markets that don't contain any added sugar are raisins, and pineapple.  A food dehydrator is the way go if you really want to have a nice selection of dried fruits without any added sugar; but I don't have on at the time, so will be mostly eating fresh fruits.

I went to Trader Joe's this morning to pick up a few snacks and food items for the first phase.  I love Trader Joe's!!!  There are so many wonderful foods to choose from that are healthier and tastier then items found in regular grocery stores.  I purchased all the items below at Trader Joe's, and they all fit right into my phase one eating program.  I don't like to buy packaged foods that have an encyclopedia of ingredients, so I always make sure to read the labels to ensure I know exactly what I'm putting into my body.  If I can't pronounce an ingredient or don't know what it is, it doesn't go in my mouth... because If I don't know what it is, my body won't either and won't be able to metabolize it properly.

Now I'd like to share each one of these products with you individually, so that you can read the labels and see that they are healthy packaged snacks and foods.  The first ones, Inner Peas, are dangerously good!!!  Eat with caution... It is very easy to put an entire bag down in one eating:).  I count out one serving and tape the bag shut and put it away!

Roasted Plantains... Yum!  If you have never tried them, I want to let you know that they taste nothing like a banana chip.  I first bought them thinking they did, and didn't like them at all.  Then a few years later tried them again (I like to give foods a second chance), and realized they taste just like a potato chip... Bam!  Tasty lil' treats that contain only 3 ingredients and zero sugar!!!



Some day I will own a dehydrator, and when I do, pineapple will be my most dehydrated fruit I make.  I LOVE it so much!!!  And I just discovered today, that Trader Joe's brand is 100% pineapple, no sugar added, and a nice amount of fiber too!

I typically like to make my own hummus, it is so easy to make.  However, now that I am working 7 days a week... my time has been a tad crunched.  So I decided to try this hummus today.  I made a veggie sandwich on sprouted grain for lunch with avocado, hummus, tomatoes, and fresh spinach.. it was delicious.  The jalapeno has a good amount of heat and flavored up the sandwich nicely:)
And only one gram of sugar/serving... thank you!

I love beets!  I don't know a lot of people that do, but I sure hope if your on the fence you will give them another try.  They are good for you and yes there are 7 grams of sugar/serving, but it is the beet's natural sugar... so eat up and give your body and nice detoxifying snack!!!

My last blog post was about lentils... I purchased them again today, and think that I will make a nice pot of spinach lentil soup with this batch... Stay tuned!

Raw whole cashews are a delicious snack with a surprising sweetness to them.  These ones from Trader Joe's only contain cashews.  There are 2 grams of sugar/serving, but this is the natural sugar of the nut:).  Unless the description reads Raw, nuts more then likely will contain oils, added salt, and sugar.  

I usually don't purchase chips to have on hand as a snack, but these colorful tortilla chips are filled with great ingredients, and will make for a great taco salad or to dip into hummus:)   

    Zero sugar and only 2% sodium...not to mention 12% fiber and some protein... Got to Love that!!!

My milk of choice has always been almond milk.  75% of people can't digest lactose, which leads to a number of problems I'll discuss in phase 3.  I love this unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and it has zero grams of sugar and only 30 calories in a cup!!!  

What's in your cupboard?
There is always one shelf in our cupboard that is dedicated to my snacks, and no the top shelf with the mac n cheese is not mine:).  Mine is the middle shelf where I like to keep all my "clean snacks".
I always suggest to my clients who have a spouse and children at home to make a space in the kitchen pantry or cupboard for their snacks only... it definitely helps to stay on track!  

Looking forward to 2015 and in the process of making it the healthiest one yet!!!
Tomorrow is day 2 of phase one, and I have to say that the only anxiety I may have is that Halloween is coming up and my wedding... and this phase is going to put my inner strength to the test... 
Bring it on!
